Yesterday, Pillsbury hosted the first Fintech Roundtable of 2016, a series of risk management and regulatory compliance roundtables for fintech companies. Senior Managers from Prosper, SigFig and FundingCircle discussed the market and technology challenges they face (including cybersecurity risk) and approaches they have adopted. Pillsbury partnered with the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) – a non-profit professional association, Oyster Consulting – a firm providing comprehensive consulting and compliance services for financial firms and La Meer Inc. – a risk management solutions company.
Articles Tagged with Fintech
Fintech Round Table
Yesterday, Pillsbury hosted the first in a series of risk management and regulatory compliance round tables for fintech companies. The meetings will explore technology-related risk and compliance issues in the financial services space, such as in mobile banking, online brokerage, automated (“robo”) investment advisers, P2P lending, to name a few. Pillsbury partnered with the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (a non-profit professional association), Oyster Consulting (a firm providing comprehensive consulting and compliance services for financial firms) and La Meer Inc. (a risk management solutions company).
Fintech and Finance: How to be Part of the Fintech Investment Boom
This article was originally published in Tech City News on May 6, 2015.
Much has been made of the UK’s growing fintech industry. Research published by Accenture in 2014 showed the UK and Ireland enjoyed a growth rate outstripping the rest of Europe and Silicon Valley over the past five years.
However, the more mature US technology sector and investment culture means UK businesses lag behind their US counterparts in attracting the investment to move them through the stages of growth. So what can early-stage, consumer-facing fintech companies do to make themselves more attractive to investment from private equity houses and venture capitalists?