Articles Tagged with Compliance

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Written by Michael Wu

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), comprising of sections 1471 through 1474 of the Internal Revenue Code, was enacted in March 2010 as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act.  FATCA imposes information reporting requirements on foreign financial institutions (FFIs) and withholding, documentation, and reporting requirements with respect to certain payments made to certain foreign entities.  IRS Notice 2010-60 was released on August 29, 2010 to provide preliminary guidance regarding the implementation of FATCA.  IRS Notice 2011-34 was released on April 8, 2011 which modified and supplemented Notice 2010-60.  On July 14, 2011, the IRS released IRS Notice 2011-53 (the “Notice”).  This Notice provides and describes the timeline for FFIs and U.S. withholding agents to implement the various FATCA requirements.

Phased Implementation

The IRS anticipates issuing proposed regulations incorporating guidance provided in all three notices by December 31, 2011 and final regulations along with final form of FFI Agreement and reporting forms in the summer of 2012.

In summary, the phased implementation of FATCA is as follows:

January 1, 2013:  IRS will begin accepting FFI Applications no later than this date.

June 30, 2013:  FFIs must register with the IRS and enter into FFI Agreement by this date to avoid the 30% withholding tax.

  • By entering into FFI Agreements by June 30, 2013, withholding agents are given sufficient time to refrain from withholding on those participating FFIs by January 1, 2014.
  • The effective date of FFI Agreements entered into on or before June 30, 2013 will be July 1, 2013.
  • The effective date of FFI Agreements entered into after June 30, 2013 will be the date the FFIs entered into such agreements.
  • FFIs who enter into FFI Agreements after June 30, 2013 but before January 1, 2014 will be considered FFIs for 2014 but might not be identified as FFIs in time to prevent withholding beginning January 1, 2014.

January 1, 2014:  IRS begins 30% withholding tax on certain payments by non-participating FFIs and account holders who are unwilling to provide the required information.

January 1, 2015:  Withholding on all withholdable payments will be fully phased in.

Due Diligence

Due diligence procedures are required in order for FFIs to identify U.S. accounts.  These procedures were prescribed in the prior IRS notices and will be finalized in forthcoming regulations.  The Notice provides phased implementation of these due diligence procedures.  A participating FFI with pre-existing private banking accounts with a balance or value equal to or greater than $500,000 on the FFI Agreement’s effective date has one year from its FFI Agreement’s effective date to complete its due diligence procedures.  Those with pre-existing private banking accounts with a balance or value of less than $500,000 must have completed their due diligence procedures by December 31, 2014 or within one year following their FFI Agreements’ effective date.  For all other pre-existing accounts, a participating FFI has two years from its FFI Agreement’s effective date to complete due diligence procedures.


FATCA requires a participating FFI to annually report to the IRS certain information regarding its U.S. accounts.  An account for which a participating FFI has received a Form W-9 from the account holder (or if the account is held by a U.S. owned foreign entity, from the substantial owner of such entity) by June 30, 2014, must report the account to the IRS as a U.S. account by September 30, 2014.  By this first reporting deadline, a participating FFI needs to report only: i) the name, address and TIN of the U.S. account holder, ii) the account balance as of December 31, 2013, or if the account was closed after the effective date of the FFI’s FFI Agreement, the account balance immediately before such account closure, and iii) the account number.

Additional information will be required in subsequent reporting years.


The Notice provides delayed implementation of the 30% withholding requirement.  For withholdable payments made on or after January 1, 2014, withholding agents will be obligated to withhold the 30% tax only on U.S. source FDAP payments.  (FDAP means fixed, determinable, annual or periodical income or payments and includes interest and dividends.)  For payments made on or after January 1, 2015, withholding agents will be obligated to withhold the 30% tax on all withholdable payments, including gross proceeds.

The Notice also provides that a participating FFI is not obligated to withhold with respect to passthru payments made before January 1, 2015.  (A passthru payment is a withholdable payment or other payment to the extent attributable to a withholdable payment.)  FATCA requires a participating FFI to withhold the 30% tax on passthru payments made to a recalcitrant account holder or non-participating FFI.

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By: Michael Wu

As the new year is upon us, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of some of the annual compliance obligations that you may have as an investment adviser that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or with a particular state (“Investment Adviser”).  In light of the current regulatory environment, now more than ever, it is critical for you to comply with all of the legal requirements and best practices applicable to Investment Advisers.  The beginning of the year is a good time to review, consider and, if applicable, satisfy these requirements and best practices.

The following is a summary of the primary annual or periodic compliance-related obligations that may apply to Investment Advisers.  The summary is not intended to be a comprehensive review of an Investment Adviser’s tax, partnership, corporate or other requirements, nor an exhaustive list of all of the obligations of an Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”) or applicable state law.  Although many of the obligations set forth below apply only to SEC-registered Investment Advisers, state-registered Investment Advisers may be subject to similar and/or additional obligations depending on the state in which they are registered.  State-registered Investment Advisers should contact us for additional information regarding their specific obligations under state law.

  • Update Form ADV.  An Investment Adviser must file an annual amendment to Form ADV Part 1 and Form ADV Part 2 within 90 days of the end of its fiscal year.  Effective on January 1, 2011, Investment Advisers must file both Part 1 and Part 2A of the Form ADV with the SEC through the electronic IARD system.  Accordingly, if you are SEC-registered adviser whose fiscal year ends on or after December 31, 2010, you must file Part 1A and Part 2A as part of your annual updating amendment by March 31, 2011.  If you are a state-registered adviser whose fiscal year ends on or after December 31, 2010, you must also file Part 1A, Part 1B and Part 2A as part of your annual updating amendment by March 31, 2011.
  • New FINRA Entitlement Program.  FINRA is implementing changes to its Entitlement Program, which provides access to an Investment Adviser’s IARD account.  Every adviser firm (new and existing) is now required to designate an individual as its Super Account Administrator (SAA).  The SAA must be an authorized employee or officer of the adviser firm.
  • Fund IARD Account.  An Investment Adviser must ensure that its IARD account is adequately funded to cover payment of all applicable registration renewal fees and notice filing fees.  Beginning November 15, 2010, Preliminary Renewal Statements (“PRS”), which list advisers’ renewal fees, are available for printing through the IARD system.  By December 10, 2010, an investment adviser should have submitted to FINRA through the IARD system, its preliminary renewal fee.  Any additional fees that were not included in the PRS will show in the Final Renewal Statements which are available for printing beginning January 3, 2011.  All final renewal fees should be submitted to FINRA through the IARD system by February 3, 2011.
  • State Notice Filings/Investment Adviser Representatives.  An Investment Adviser should review its advisory activities in the various states in which it conducts business and confirm that all applicable notice filings are made on IARD.  In addition, an Investment Adviser should confirm whether any of its personnel need to be registered as “investment adviser representatives” in any state and, if so, register such persons or renew their registrations with the applicable states.
  • Brochure Rule.  On an annual basis, an Investment Adviser must provide its private fund investors and separate account client(s) with a copy of its updated Form ADV Part 2A, or provide a summary of material changes and offer to provide an updated Form ADV Part 2A. The 2011 deadline for providing investors with Form ADV Part 2B depends on whether an Investment Adviser is a new or existing SEC-registered adviser and whether the Investment Adviser is providing it to prospective, new or existing investors.
  • Annual Assessment.  At least annually, an Investment Adviser must review its compliance policies and procedures to assess their effectiveness.  The annual assessment process should be documented and such document(s) should be presented to the Investment Adviser’s chief executive officer or executive committee, as applicable, and maintained in the Investment Adviser’s files.  At a minimum, the annual assessment process should entail a detailed review of:

1)      the compliance issues and any violations of the policies and procedures that arose during the year, changes in the Investment Adviser’s business activities and the effect that changes in applicable law, if any, have had on the Investment Adviser’s policies and procedures;

2)      the Investment Adviser’s code of ethics, including an assessment of the effectiveness of its implementation and determination of whether they should be enhanced in light of the Investment Adviser’s current business practices; and

3)      the business continuity/disaster recovery plan, which should be “stress tested” and adjusted as necessary.

  • Annual/Surprise Audit.  Because Investment Advisers are generally deemed to have custody of client assets, they must provide audited financial statements of their fund(s), prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, to the fund(s)’ investors within 120 days of the end of the fund(s)’ fiscal year.  Investment Advisers that do not provide audited financial statements to fund investors should remind their auditors that an annual surprise audit is necessary.
  • Annual Privacy Notice.  Under SEC Regulation S-P, an Investment Adviser must provide its fund investors or client(s) who are natural persons with a copy of the Investment Adviser’s privacy policy on an annual basis, even if there are no changes to the privacy policy.
  • New Issues.  An Investment Adviser that acquires “new issue” IPOs for a fund or separately managed client account must obtain written representations every 12 months from the fund or account’s beneficial owners confirming their continued eligibility to participate in new issues.  This annual representation may be obtained through “negative consent” letters.
  • ERISA.  An Investment Adviser may wish to reconfirm whether its fund(s)’ investors are “benefit plan investors” for purposes of reconfirming its fund(s)’ compliance with the 25% “significant participation” exemption under ERISA.  This is particularly important if a significant amount of a fund’s assets have been withdrawn or redeemed.  The reconfirmation may be obtained through “negative consent” letters.
  • Anti-money Laundering.  Although FinCEN withdrew its proposed anti-money laundering regulations for unregistered investment companies, certain investment advisers and commodity trading advisors, an Investment Adviser is still subject to the economic sanctions programs administered by OFAC and should have an anti-money laundering program in place.  An Investment Adviser should review its anti-money laundering program on an annual basis to determine whether the program is reasonably designed to ensure compliance with applicable law given the business, customer base and geographic footprint of the Investment Adviser.
  • Amend Schedule 13G or 13D.  An Investment Adviser whose client or proprietary accounts, separately or in the aggregate are beneficial owners of 5% or more of a registered voting equity security, and who have reported these positions on Schedule 13G, must update these filings annually within 45 days of the end of the calendar year, unless there is no change to any of the information reported in the previous filing (other than the holder’s percentage ownership due solely to a change in the number of outstanding shares).  An Investment Adviser reporting on Schedule 13D is required to amend its filings “promptly” upon the occurrence of any “material changes.”  In addition, an Investment Adviser whose client or proprietary accounts are beneficial owners of 10% or more of a registered voting equity security must determine whether it is subject to any reporting obligations, or potential “short-swing” profit liability or other restrictions, under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”).
  • Form 13F.  An “institutional investment manager,” whether or not an Investment Adviser, must file a Form 13F with the SEC if it exercises investment discretion with respect to $100 million or more in securities subject to Section 13(f) of the Exchange Act (e.g., exchange-traded securities, shares of closed-end investment companies and certain convertible debt securities), which discloses certain information about such its holdings.  The first filing must occur within 45 days after the end of the calendar year in which the Investment Adviser reaches the $100 million filing threshold and within 45 days of the end of each calendar quarter thereafter, as long as the Investment Adviser meets the $100 million filing threshold.
  • Offering Materials.  As a general securities law disclosure matter, and for purposes of U.S. federal and state anti-fraud laws, including Rule 206(4)-8 of the Advisers Act, an Investment Adviser must continually ensure that each of its fund offering documents is kept up to date, consistent with its other fund offering documents and contains all material disclosures that may be required in order for the fund investor to be able to make an informed investment decision.
    • Full and accurate disclosure is particularly important in light of Sergeants Benevolent Assn. Annuity Fund v. Renck, 2005 NY Slip op. 04460, a recent New York Appellate Court decision, where the court held that officers of an investment adviser could be personally liable for the losses suffered by a fund that they advised if they breached their implied fiduciary duties to the fund.  The fiduciary nature of an investment advisory relationship and the standard for fiduciaries under the Advisers Act includes an affirmative duty of utmost good faith, and full and fair disclosure of all material facts, and an affirmative obligation to use reasonable care to avoid misleading clients.
    • Accordingly, it may be an appropriate time for an Investment Adviser to review its offering materials and confirm whether or not any updates or amendments are necessary.  In particular, an Investment Adviser should take into account the impact of the recent turbulent market conditions on its fund(s) and review its fund(s)’ current investment objectives and strategies, valuation practices, performance statistics, redemption or withdrawal policies and risk factors (including disclosures regarding market volatility and counterparty risk), its current personnel, service providers and any relevant legal or regulatory developments.
  • Blue Sky Filings/Form D.  Many state securities “blue sky” filings expire on a periodic basis and must be renewed.  Accordingly, now may be a good time for an Investment Adviser to review the blue-sky filings for its fund(s) to determine whether any updated filings or additional filings are necessary.  We note that as of 2009, all Form D filings for continuous offerings will need to be amended on an annual basis.
  • Liability Insurance.  Due to an environment of increasing investor lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny of fund managers, an Investment Adviser may want to consider obtaining management liability insurance or review the adequacy of any existing coverage, as applicable.

If you have any questions regarding the summary above, please feel free to contact us.