SEC Adopts Rules to Require Electronic Filing for Investment Advisers and Institutional Investment Managers

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In today’s press release, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced the adoption of rules and amendments to require certain documents, including Form ADV-NR, filed by investment advisers, institutional investment managers, and certain other entities to be filed or submitted electronically.  Form ADV-NR is the appointment of agent for service of process by a non-resident general partner or a non-resident managing agent of any investment adviser (domestic or non-resident), including exempt reporting advisers.  The amendments also make technical amendments to modernize Form 13F and enhance the information provided.  The new rules and form amendments will be effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. The amendments to Form 13F will be effective on January 3, 2023.

The press release is available HERE and text of the Final Rules is available HERE.