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Written by Michael Wu

The SEC has adopted a new rule pursuant to Section 13(h) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requiring large traders to register with the SEC and imposing reporting requirements on their broker-dealers.

In her speech on July 26, 2011, SEC Chairman Mary L. Shapiro said, “[t]his new rule…would significantly bolster our ability to oversee the U.S. securities markets by allowing the Commission to promptly and efficiently identify significant market participants on a cross-market basis, collect data on their trading activity, reconstruct market events, conduct investigations and, as appropriate, bring enforcement matters.”

Under the rule, large traders are required to register with the SEC using a new form, Form 13H.  Upon registration, each large trader is issued a unique large trader identification number (LTID).  Large traders are required to provide such LTID to their broker-dealers.  In addition, the rule imposes recordkeeping, reporting and limited monitoring requirements on certain registered broker-dealers through whom large traders execute their transactions.

A large trader is defined as a person whose transactions in exchange-listed securities equal or exceed 2 million shares or $20 million during any calendar day, or 20 million shares or $200 million during any calendar month.

A full text of the final rule is available here.

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Written by Jay Gould

Pillsbury’s Investment Funds & Investment Management team has submitted a comment letter to the California Department of Corporations (the “DOC”) on behalf of the California Hedge Fund Association in connection with the DOC’s recently proposed amendments to the California custody rule.

In its letter to the Commissioner, Pillsbury requested that the DOC amend the California custody rule in a manner that balances investor protection and the need for fund managers to maintain confidentiality of certain portfolio positions.  Specifically, the letter requested  that the quarterly reports California-registered advisers to private funds are required to send to their investors be required to disclose only those positions that comprise more than 5% of the fund’s assets, and that the names of short positions not be disclosed at all, but be provided as an aggregate number.  “Implementing our suggestions would be consistent with the quarterly disclosure of schedule of investments based on the FASB’s U.S. financial reporting standards, and would also protect fund investors from short squeezes,” explained Jay Gould, head of the Pillsbury Investment Funds & Investment Management team.

The letter was provided in response to the  DOC Commissioner’s invitation for comment on the proposed changes to the California custody rule that will apply to California-registered investment advisers, including those investment managers that are currently either registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or are not registered at all.  By February 15, 2012, investment advisers to private funds with less than $100 million under management will need to register with the DOC, if they have not already done so.

“The California Hedge Fund Association expects to provide comments to the DOC in connection with future rulemaking proposals and encourages California-based fund managers to become active in this process,” explains Chris Ainsworth, President of the Association.

A full text of the letter to the Commissioner is available here.

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Written by Bruce Frumerman, guest contributor

Bruce Frumerman is the CEO of Frumerman & Nemeth Inc., a communications and sales marketing consultancy that assists financial services firms create brand identities for their organizations and develop and implement effective new marketing strategies and programs.

In the article below, Mr. Frumerman offers effective marketing strategies for hedge fund managers to stay competitive and successful in the business.  This article first appeared in Reuters HedgeWorld on July 18 and is re-printed with permission below.

Rising competition among money managers is one of the key topics covered in Boston Consulting Group’s recently released ninth annual study of the worldwide asset management industry, Building on Success: Global Asset Management 2011

A full text of the article is available here.

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Written by Jay Gould, Ildiko Duckor and Michael Wu

Effective on September 19, 2011, investors that pay performance fees to an adviser must either have at least $1 million managed by the adviser or a net worth of at least $2 million.

As mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act, the SEC today issued an order that raises two of the thresholds that determine whether an investment adviser can charge its clients performance fees.  As discussed in the article we posted here on May 11, under the current Rule 205-3 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, an investment adviser may charge its investors a performance fee if (i) the investor has at least $750,000 under management with the investment adviser (“asset-under-management test”), or (ii) the investment adviser reasonably believes that the investor has a net worth of more than $1.5 million (“net worth test”).  Today’s SEC order adjusted the amounts for the asset-under-management test to $1 million and the net worth test to $2 million.  The SEC order is effective on September 19, 2011.

Accordingly, it is important for investment fund managers to amend their offering materials to comply with the new requirements of Rule 205-3 under the Advisers Act.

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Written by Jay Gould and Michael Wu

On June 22, 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted final rules that implement provisions of Title IV of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) amending the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”).   The amendments include:

  • Statutory Threshold for SEC Registration.   The Dodd-Frank Act increases the threshold for SEC registration by creating a new category of advisers called “mid-sized advisers.”  A mid-sized adviser has assets under management between $25 million and $100 million.  If the mid-sized adviser’s principal office and place of business is located in a state that requires it to register as an investment adviser, the adviser must register with the state.  A mid-sized adviser must register with the SEC if it is not required to register in the state where it maintains its principal office and place of business, or if registered with that state, the adviser would not be subject to examination by that state’s securities commissioner.
  • Transition to State Registration, Registration Deadline.

    Existing SEC-registered adviser as of January 1, 2012 – must amend its Form ADV no later than March 30, 2012.Mid-sized adviser no longer eligible for SEC registration – must amend its Form ADV no later than March 30, 2012 to switch to state registration and withdraw its SEC registration by filing Form ADV-W no later than June 28, 2012.

    New Applicants.  Until July 21, 2011 (effective date of the final rules), advisers applying for registration that qualify as mid-sized advisers may register with either the SEC or the appropriate state securities authority.  Thereafter, mid-sized advisers must register with the appropriate state securities authority.

  • Exempt Reporting Advisers.  These are advisers that rely on either the venture capital exemption or the private fund advisers exemption.  The final rules require these exempt reporting advisers to submit an annual report with the SEC by filing an abbreviated Form ADV Part 1 completing only Items 1 (Identifying Information), 2.B (SEC Reporting by Exempt Reporting Advisers), 3 (Form of Organization), 6 (Other Business Activities), 7 (Financial Industry Affiliations), 10 (Control Persons), 11 (Disclosure Information), and any corresponding section of Schedules A, B, C and D.  There will be fees associated with the filing which will be the same as those for registered advisers.
  • Form ADV.  The SEC is amending Part 1 of Form ADV to require advisers to provide additional information: 1) about private funds they advise, 2) about their advisory business and business practices that may present conflicts of interest, and 3) about their non-advisory activities and financial industry affiliations.
  • Family Office exemption.  By defining “family office,” the SEC is allowing family offices to continue to be exempt from regulation of the Advisers Act.  The final rules expanded the exemption by including additional categories of family members and key employees as family clients.
  • Pay-to-Play Rule.  The final rules permit an adviser to pay a registered municipal advisor, or an SEC registered investment adviser or broker-dealer, to act as placement agent to solicit government entities on its behalf, so long as the municipal advisor is subject to the MSRB-adopted pay-to-play rule, or the SEC registered adviser or broker-dealer is subject to a FINRA-adopted pay-to-play rule, that is at least as stringent as the investment adviser pay-to-play rule.

The SEC also adopted final rules that eliminated the private adviser exemption under the Advisers Act and created three new exemptions from SEC registration for:

  • Advisers solely to venture capital funds (venture capital fund exemption).  The final rules define “venture capital fund” as a private fund that: 1) holds no more than 20% of the fund’s capital commitments in non-qualifying investments (other than short-term holdings); 2) does not borrow or is not leveraged except for a limited short-term borrowing; 3) does not offer redemption or liquidity rights to its investors; 4) represents itself to investors as pursuing a venture capital strategy; and 5) is not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and is not a business development company.The SEC also adopted the grandfathering provision for this exemption provided the following three requirements are met by the fund: (i) represented to investors that it pursues a venture capital strategy; (ii) has sold securities prior to December 31, 2010; and (iii) does not sell securities to, or accept any capital commitments from, any person after July 21, 2011.
  • Advisers solely to private funds with less than $150 million in assets under management in the U.S. (private fund adviser exemption).  The instructions to Form ADV will be revised to provide a uniform method of calculating assets under management for regulatory purposes.
  • Certain foreign advisers without a place of business in the U.S.  A non-U.S. adviser that has no place of business in the U.S. is not required to register with the SEC if it has fewer than total 15 U.S. clients and private fund investors, has less than $25 million in aggregate assets under management from U.S. clients and private fund investors, and does not hold itself out to the public as an investment adviser.
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Written by Jay Gould and Michael Wu

On March 2, 2011, Pillsbury’s Investment Fund and Investment Management group (“Pillsbury IFIM Group”) submitted a comment letter to the North American Securities Administrator’s Association (the “NASAA”) on behalf of the California Hedge Fund Association and the Florida Alternative Investment Association.  The letter to the NASAA was intended to provide comments regarding the proposed model custody rule of the NASAA that was released on February 17, 2011.  A copy of the March 2, 2011 comment letter was posted here on March 8, 2011.

On May 23, 2011, Pillsbury IFIM Group submitted a second comment letter on behalf of the California and Florida fund groups to the NASAA commenting on the re-proposal of the model custody rule on April 18, 2011 (the “Re-Proposed Rule”).  The Re-Proposed Rule reflected certain suggestions made in the first letter to the NASAA, but would require that all portfolio positions be provided to all fund investors at the end of each quarter.  The letter requested that the NASAA limit quarter end disclosure to positions that comprise 5% or more of a fund’s portfolio and exclude all disclosure with respect to short positions.  Pillsbury believes that it is critical for fund managers and hedge fund industry groups to comment on the NASAA rule proposals, as it is likely that many states will simply adopt the NASAA rules without providing a robust public comment process as a result of the many new registrants for which the states will be responsible when the investment adviser registration provisions of Dodd Frank Act are fully implemented.

A full text of the second letter can be found here.

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Written by Michael Wu

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has adopted rules implementing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s (“Dodd-Frank Act”) Whistleblower Program.  The Whistleblower Program requires the SEC to pay awards, under regulations prescribed by the SEC and subject to certain limitations, to eligible whistleblowers who voluntarily provide the SEC with original information about a violation of the federal securities laws, or a rule or regulation promulgated by the SEC, that leads to the successful enforcement of a covered judicial or administrative action, or a related action that results in monetary sanctions of more than $1,000,000.  Dodd-Frank Act also prohibits retaliation by employers against individuals who provide the SEC with information about possible securities violations.

To view a full text of the Final Rule, please click here.

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Written by Michael Wu and Judy Deng

Earlier this year, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) issued its Administrative Measures over Pilot Projects on Settlement of Overseas Direct Investments in Renminbi (the “PBoC Measures”).  The PBoC Measures permit the PBoC, under a pilot project, to loan renminbi to Chinese investors to fund outbound acquisitions.  The PBoC Measures are expected to have a positive impact on leveraged buy-out (LBO) firms in China that acquire interests in non-Chinese companies.  Effectively, the PBoC Measures extends the M&A loan capacity of Chinese banks from Chinese domestic M&A transactions to overseas, non-Chinese M&A transactions.  For a more detailed discussion of the PBoC Measures, please click here.

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Written by Michael Wu

California’s Department of Corporations (the “Department”) intends to issue emergency regulations to address the elimination of the “private adviser exemption” under Section 203(b)(3) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”).  Currently, an investment adviser in California may rely on the private adviser exemption by virtue of California Department of Corporations Rule 260.204.9, which specifically refers to the private adviser exemption under Section 203(b)(3) of the Advisers Act.  The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will eliminate the private adviser exemption under Section 203(b)(3) effective as of July 21, 2011, which in turn would affect a California investment adviser’s ability to rely on Rule 260.204.9.  The Department will issue emergency regulations amending Rule 260.204.9 to preserve the status quo.  Therefore, California investment advisers that currently rely on the exemption from registration for private advisers will be able to continue to rely on that exemption until the Department adopts a final rule regarding private fund advisers.  For more information about this new development please click here.