
Shanghai Renminbi (RMB) Fund Regulation Creates Opportunities For Non-Chinese Fund Managers

Posted by Michael Wu and Judy Deng

On January 11, 2011, the Shanghai Municipal Government released its Implementation Measures on Trial Projects of Foreign-Invested Equity Investment Enterprises in Shanghai (the “Shanghai RMB Fund Regulation”), which will become effective on January 23, 2011. Prior to the release of this regulation, it was widely expected that the Shanghai Municipal Government would launch a Qualified Foreign Limited Partners (“QFLP”) legal regime to help large international institutional investors invest in Shanghai-based private equity funds. Although the Shanghai RMB Fund Regulation was implemented in response to such expectations, we believe it is just the first of many regulations designed to confer national treatment to private equity funds formed by non-Chinese fund managers.  For more information regarding the Shanghai RMB Fund Regulation, please see A Red Envelope From Shanghai?  New RMB Fund Rules Create Opportunities for Non-Chinese Fund Managers.