
Investment Fund Law Blog


Hold Your JOBS Act Horses

Written by:  Jay Gould When can private fund managers start posting performance numbers on their websites and sponsoring the Super Bowl?  Not yet, according to Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) in letters dated October 5,2012 and October 12, 2012, (the “Levin Letters”) rebuking the SEC for having missed the point of…


California Adopts New Exemption–Should Fund Managers Still Register in California?

Written by:  Jay Gould and Peter Chess While you were touring the Champagne region or sipping umbrella drinks at the beach this summer, the California Department of Corporations (the “DOC”) was busy overhauling the rules applicable to investment advisers.  On August 27, 2012, the DOC adopted final rules, available here,…


NASAA President Criticizes New SEC Rule Allowing General Advertising

Written by:  Jay Gould and Peter Chess Heath Abshure, President of the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) and Arkansas State Securities Commissioner, sharply criticized the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the SEC’s) new rulemaking that will lift restrictions on general solicitation and general advertising for hedge funds and other private…


SEC to Conduct “Presence Exams” of Newly Registered Investment Advisers

Written by:  Jay Gould and Peter Chess On October 9, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced the launch of an initiative to conduct focused, risk-based examinations of investment advisers to private funds that recently registered with the SEC.  These “Presence Exams” are part of a two year initiative…


Third Party Marketers Must File PPMs with FINRA

Written by: Jay Gould and Peter Chess Effective December 3, 2012, hedge funds and other private funds that rely on Section 3(c)(1) of the Investment Company Act (“3(c)(1) Funds”) and which sell their interests through third party marketers, must ensure that their private placement memoranda (“PPM”) are filed with FINRA,…


Excellence In Investing: San Francisco

The 3rd Annual Excellence In Investing: San Francisco, in partnership with The Sohn Conference Foundation, will be held on October 24, 2012 at the Merchants Exchange, Julia Morgan Ballroom.   Excellence In Investing: San Francisco is the premiere Bay Area investor conference benefiting local and national education and other children’s causes.…


Pillsbury meets with the CA Department of Corporations

On August 30, 2012, Ildi Duckor and Michael Wu, members of Pillsbury’s Investment Funds and Investment Management practice, met with executives and staff of the California Department of Corporations at the Department’s invitation.  The purpose of the meeting was to provide the Department’s investment adviser and broker dealer divisions (live…


The JOBS Act: The JOBS Act Will Accelerate the Institutionalization of Hedge Funds

This guest post from the Margolis Advisory Group, co-authored by River Communications, is reprinted with permission.  The Executive Summary appears below and the full text is available here. The JOBS Act is bringing change to the hedge fund industry, and, most likely, this change will accelerate the trend towards institutionalization.…


SEC Releases Study on Financial Literacy While Retail Investors Wait for the Movie

Written by: Jay Gould On August 30, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) released the Dodd Frank Act’s mandated study (the “Study”) on the financial literacy of retail investors which concludes, as you might have predicted, that retail investors are essentially clueless about investing and financial matters generally. …


Hedge Fund Marketing Implications From New Survey Findings on Investment Beliefs

By Bruce Frumerman     As published August 6 at FINalternatives.   August 6, 2012   Hedge Fund Marketing Implications From New Survey Findings On Investment Beliefs by Bruce Frumerman, Frumerman & Nemeth Inc. The recently published Pensions & Investments/Oxford University survey on long-term investment beliefs has implications for how…