
Investment Fund Law Blog


SEC Updates Personal Gift and Entertainment Guidance for Fund Advisory

In a February 2015 Guidance Update, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management (“SEC”), provided guidance on the acceptance of gifts or entertainment by fund advisory personnel under Section 17(e)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”). Section 17(e)(1) provides that any affiliated person of a…


Breaking All the Rules – Wealth Management Group Under Cease and Desist Order

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued a cease-and-desist order on February 19, 2015 against SEC-registered Logical Wealth Management, Inc. and owner, Daniel J. Gopen, (together, “Respondents”).  The list of violations the SEC found the Respondents committed is extensive and includes improper registration, compliance, and recordkeeping. The SEC found the…


Reminder: Required annual Form ADV amendment by March 31, 2015

We want to remind you of your firm’s annual investment adviser registration amendment (Form ADV annual amendment) which must be filed on the IARD system on or before March 31, 2015.  This deadline applies to all SEC and State registered advisers as well as Exempt Reporting Advisers (ERAs) with a…


Insider Trading, Once Removed

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) charged Charles L. Hill Jr. with insider trading in connection with his purchase of shares of Radiant Systems stock the day before a merger was announced. Mr. Hill became aware of the material non-public information through a friend who obtained the information from his…


Reminder – March 2, 2015 – Annual CFTC Exemption Affirmation Deadline

Certain Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) exemptions require annual affirmation, including CPO exemptions under Regulation 4.5, 4.13(a)(1), 4.13(a)(2), 4.13(a)(3), and 4.13(a)(5) and CTA exemptions under Regulation 4.14(a)(8). If you rely on one of these exemptions, you must affirm the annual claim of exemption by March 2, 2015 using the NFA…


2015 Securities and Exchange Commission Examination Priorities

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) recently released its annual examination priorities.  In 2015, OCIE will focus on three primary “themes” involving broker-dealers, investment advisers and transfer agents: Retail Investors – OCIE will look at important matters for retail investors and investors preparing for…


Cybersecurity Alert – SEC Provides Information on Policy and Safeguards from Cyber Threats

On February 3, 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) released two publications addressing cybersecurity at advisory and brokerage firms. The first publication, a Risk Alert, relays the findings from the examinations of more than 100 investment advisers and broker-dealers and focuses on how they: (i) establish cybersecurity policies, procedures…


2015 SEC Examination Priorities

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) recently released its Examination Priorities for 2015.  The priorities represent certain practices and products that OCIE believes present a potentially higher risk to investors and/or the integrity of the US capital markets.  In 2015, OCIE’s priorities focus on issues involving investment…


2015 Annual Compliance Obligations for Registered Firms – What You Need to Know

Annual Compliance Obligations—What You Need To Know As the new year is upon us, there are some important annual compliance obligations Investment Advisers either registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or with a particular state (“Investment Adviser”) and Commodity Pool Operators (“CPOs”) or Commodity Trading Advisors (“CTAs”)…


Say Hello to the SEC’s Digital Currency Working Group

Now that enforcement agencies have determined that digital currencies are more than a passing fad, they are establishing more permanent efforts focused on the novel legal issues digital currencies present. The SEC’s formation of its multi-office Digital Currency Working Group may foreshadow an increase in the agency’s exercise of regulatory…