SEC Risk Alert regarding safety of customer records and cloud vendor diligence. As part of its cybersecurity sweep, the SEC has examined risks related to the storage of customer records and information by investment advisers on cloud-based storage platforms and issued a Risk Alert, “Safeguarding Customer Records and Information in Network…
Articles Posted in Investment Advisers
This is a reminder about the upcoming annual compliance deadlines that may or may not apply to you. Please click HERE to open a summary chart of the filing deadlines. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or need assistance with any of these filings. Sincerely, Pillsbury IFIM…
OCIE 2019 Examination Priorities
In a press release issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 20, 2018, the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) announced its 2019 Examination Priorities. This year’s examination priorities, although not exhaustive, are divided into 6 categories: Compliance and risk at registrants responsible for critical market…
Reminder: 2019 IARD Account Renewal Obligations For Investment Advisers
This is a reminder that the 2019 IARD account renewal obligation for investment advisers (including exempt reporting advisers) starts this November. An investment adviser must ensure that its IARD account is adequately funded to cover payment of all applicable registration renewal fees and notice filing fees. Key Dates in the…
This alert contains a summary of the primary annual and periodic compliance-related obligations that may apply to investment advisers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or with a particular state (“Investment Advisers”), and commodity pool operators (“CPOs”) and commodity trading advisors (“CTAs”) registered with the Commodity Futures…
SEC Risk Alert! Most Frequent Advertising Rule Compliance Issues by Investment Advisers
The Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) of the SEC issued a Risk Alert yesterday providing a list of the most frequently identified compliance issues relating to the Advertising Rule (Rule 206(4)-1) under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. These compliance issues were identified as part of the OCIE…
DOL Fiduciary Rule—Recommended Action for Private Fund Managers
On June 9, 2017, the Department of Labor (DOL) regulation updating the definition of “fiduciary” for purposes of ERISA became effective, along with a series of new and updated prohibited transaction exemptions. The DOL regulation expands the types of activities that can give rise to fiduciary status, and applies not…
CFTC Unanimously Approves Amendments to Recordkeeping Requirements
In a press release today, The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”) unanimously approved a final rule amending Regulation 1.31. The Commission is amending the recordkeeping obligations set forth in Commission regulations along with corresponding technical changes to certain provisions regarding retention of oral communications and record retention requirements…
U.S. and Global Regulators Ease March 1 Deadline for Swap Variation Margin Compliance
The global compliance deadline for implementation of variation margin requirements for uncleared swap transactions is March 1, 2017. Unless an exception is available, the rules generally require swap dealers to collect and post variation margin with no credit threshold. The rules require the parties to enter into new or amended…
The following are some of the important annual compliance obligations investment advisers either registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or with a particular state (“Investment Adviser”) and commodity pool operators (“CPOs”) or commodity trading advisors (“CTAs”) registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”) should be…