
Articles Posted in Advisory


Servicing Clients Across Borders Carries Special Risks

On November 25, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) brought charges against a Swiss-based bank that should serve as notice to all non-U.S. banks that maintain relationships with clients who have moved to the U.S., as well as U.S.-based banks that provide services to clients who have relocated…


Reminder: 2015 IARD Account Renewal Obligations For Investment Advisers

This is a reminder that the 2015 IARD account renewal obligation for investment advisers (including exempt reporting advisers) starts this November.  An investment adviser must ensure that its IARD account is adequately funded to cover payment of all applicable registration renewal fees and notice filing fees. Key Dates in the…


SEC Brings Custody Rule Enforcement

On October 29, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) announced an administrative enforcement action against an investment advisory firm and three top officials for violating rule 206(4)-2 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”), the “custody rule,” that requires firms to follow certain procedures when they control…


China’s New Foreign Exchange Control Rule on Outbound and Round-Trip Investment

Replacing Circular 75, Circular 37 simplifies the SAFE registration process for Chinese residents seeking offshore investments and financings, and it liberalizes cross-border capital outflow by Chinese residents. In addition, Circular 37 also permits registration of equity incentive plans of non-listed Special Purpose Vehicles. In July 2014, the State Administration of…


CFTC Exemptive Relief Harmonizes Regulations 4.7(b) and 4.13(a)(3) with Rule 506(c) of Reg. D and Rule 144A

In a press release yesterday, the CFTC issued an exemptive letter, CFTC Letter No. 14-116, providing relief from certain provisions of CFTC Regulations 4.7(b) and 4.13(a)(3) that restrict marketing to the public.  The exemptive relief was issued to make CFTC Regulations 4.7(b) and 4.13(a)(3) consistent with SEC Rule 506(c) of…


Advisory Alert! – Repatriation of Funds Out of China

China imposes controls on the inflow and outflow of foreign exchange. Given the involvement of State Administration of Foreign Exchange and various other governmental agencies in the process, repatriating funds from China can be a trap for the unwary. Foreign investors should familiarize themselves with the approval requirements and procedures.


House of Representatives Passes SAFETY Act Amendment – Clarifies that liability protections are available for cyber attacks

The U.S. House of Representatives took a major positive step towards increasing the nation’s cyber security posture today when, on a voice vote, it passed H.R. 3696, the “National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act.” The NCCIP bill, co-sponsored by House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, Ranking Member Bennie G.…


Money Market Fund Reform

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) yesterday adopted a series of amendments to the rules that govern money market funds.  The most controversial of these amendments will require institutional prime and tax-exempt money market funds to maintain a floating net asset value (NAV) and will allow the boards of institutional…


Lawyers as SEC Enforcement Targets, What a Fund Manager Needs to Know

In a move that should place securities lawyers and their clients on notice, Commissioner Kara Stein of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) recently indicated that lawyers may become targets of SEC enforcement actions when a registrant has been poorly advised by its attorney and the result of that advice…


CFTC Revises CPO Delegation Process: No-Action Letter

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) staff recently issued guidance to registered CPOs regarding the delegation of commodity pool operator (“CPO”) functions from persons that might otherwise be subject to CPO registration.  For non-natural persons delegating CPO functions to a registered CPO, the relief from registration is conditioned on the…